Club Set di 4 bicchieri High Ball piccoli con effetto ondulato
Design di Nude Design Team
Unendo un'estetica moderna e industriale con un intricato effetto increspato che adorna la base curva, questo set di quattro bicchieri high ball NUDE Club è un vero colpo d'occhio. Un classico contemporaneo destinato a resistere alla prova del tempo.
The product is dishwasher safe, though we advise the following:
• Choose the most suitable glass washing program which may help you to get the best hygiene and appearance performance.
• We recommended washing glassware with water which has a hardness between 4° - 6°dH.
• The ideal washing temperature for glassware is between 50°C to 65°C.
• Once your dishwasher cycle has finished, open the dishwasher to allow excess steam to be released.
• Once your dishwasher cycle has finished, open the dishwasher to allow excess steam to be released.