Design di Umut Karaman & NUDE Design Team
Questo vaso reinterpreta la caratteristica forma aerodinamica del vaso NUDE Mini Magnolia come parte della collezione NUDE Rock & Pop Artist. Nota l'affascinante stampa dell'occhio, creata come parte della nostra collaborazione con il grafico e illustratore Umut Karaman, che conferisce un tocco artistico e un pizzico di fascino civettuolo alla silhouette perfettamente proporzionata e di medie dimensioni.
The mastery and craftsmanship of handmade glass is a signature of NUDE.
NUDE prides itself in its artisanal approach to glassware, specializing in handmade, pure crystalline glass, be the pieces blown or press-blown. With their Master blowers, NUDE continues to hand
make much of the world’s most acclaimed glassware.
We recommend washing this product by hand using a soft sponge, brush or by hand.
Please avoid using the scourer side of the sponge as it will create scratching on the surface of the glass.
After hand washing, let the product dry. Finish cleaning by drying and polishing the product using a soft cloth, preferably microfiber.